# Updating CapyMOA's `moa.jar` version This document describes how to change the version of MOA that the CapyMOA project uses. **It is only intended for developers who are contributing to CapyMOA**. Before you start, make sure you have the following: * You have installed the development dependencies and have an editable install of CapyMOA. If you have not, follow the instructions in the [installation guide](../installation.rst). * You must **NOT** have set the environment variables that would override the default `moa.jar` location. `CAPYMOA_MOA_JAR` must be unset. ## Refreshing the `moa.jar` When a developer wants to replace the `moa.jar` in their local CapyMOA as a consequence of pulling or rebasing changes, they can run the following command: ```console python -m invoke refresh-moa ``` ## Changing Project MOA Version When a developer needs to update the version of MOA that the capymoa project uses they need to follow these steps: 1. **Upload the new version of MOA to the CapyMOA Dropbox.** Please name the new version with the date, e.g. `240412_moa.jar` (`yymmdd_moa.jar`) so we may rollback easily if needed. 2. **Update `invoke.yml`'s `moa_url` to point to the new version of MOA.** This file tells capymoa where to download the `moa.jar` from during the packaging process. * Must be the complete URL. 3. **Remove the old `moa.jar` with `python -m invoke refresh-moa`.** 4. **Update `tests/test_moajar.py` with the updated sha256 hash.** * macOS: ```shasum -a 256 moa_jar_file.jar``` * linux: ```sha256sum moa_jar_file.jar``` `tests/test_moajar.py` is used to avoid using an outdated version of MOA by mistake. It will generate a warning for the user if the hash of the `moa.jar` does not match the one in the file. The tests on Github Actions will fail if the hash does not match the file downloaded from the URL in `invoke.yml`. 5. **Verify that capymoa is pointing to the new version of MOA by running:** ```console $ python -c "import capymoa; capymoa.about()" CapyMOA 0.2.0 CAPYMOA_DATASETS_DIR: ... CAPYMOA_MOA_JAR: .../CapyMOA/src/capymoa/jar/moa.jar CAPYMOA_JVM_ARGS: ['-Xmx8g', '-Xss10M'] JAVA_HOME: ... MOA version: A SHA256 hash of the actual JAVA version: ... ``` In particular, check the if the hash matches the one you calculated in the previous step. If it does not, you should double-check the URL in `invoke.yml` and re-run `python -m invoke build.clean-moa` and `python -m invoke build.download-moa`. 6. Your pull request should include the changes to `invoke.yml`, and `tests/test_moajar.py`.