2. Using sklearn with CapyMOA#

In this tutorial we demonstrate how someone can directly use scikit-learn learners in CapyMOA. * The primary requirement for a scikit-learn learner to be used is that it implements partial_fit()

More information about CapyMOA can be found in https://www.capymoa.org

last update on 03/05/2024

1. Using raw sklearn objects#

  • This example shows a model from scikit-learn can be used with our Instance representation in a simple test-then-train loop

  • In this case, we need to adapt data to accommodate what the sklearn expects

from capymoa.evaluation import ClassificationEvaluator
from capymoa.datasets import ElectricityTiny

from sklearn import linear_model

# Toy dataset with only 1000 instances
elec_stream = ElectricityTiny()

# Creates a sklearn classifier
sklearn_SGD = linear_model.SGDClassifier()

ob_evaluator = ClassificationEvaluator(schema=elec_stream.get_schema())

# Counter for partial fits
partial_fit_count = 0
while elec_stream.has_more_instances():
    instance = elec_stream.next_instance()

    prediction = -1
    if (
        partial_fit_count > 0
    ):  # scikit-learn does not allows invoking predict in a model that was not fit before
        prediction = sklearn_SGD.predict([instance.x])[0]
    ob_evaluator.update(instance.y_index, prediction)
        [instance.x], [instance.y_index], classes=elec_stream.schema.get_label_indexes()
    partial_fit_count += 1


2. Using a generic SKClassifier wrapper#

  • Instead of sklearn SGDClassifier here we use CapyMOA wrapper SKClassifier on a test-then-train loop

  • There is also a SKRegressor available in CapyMOA

from sklearn import linear_model
from capymoa.base import SKClassifier
from capymoa.evaluation import ClassificationEvaluator

## Opening a file as a stream
elec_stream = ElectricityTiny()

# Creating a learner
sklearn_SGD = SKClassifier(
    schema=elec_stream.get_schema(), sklearner=linear_model.SGDClassifier()

# Creating the evaluator
sklearn_SGD_evaluator = ClassificationEvaluator(schema=elec_stream.get_schema())

while elec_stream.has_more_instances():
    instance = elec_stream.next_instance()

    prediction = sklearn_SGD.predict(instance)
    sklearn_SGD_evaluator.update(instance.y_index, prediction)


3. Using prequential evaluation and SKClassifier#

  • Instead of an instance loop we may use the prequential_evaluation() function

from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation

elec_stream = ElectricityTiny()

sklearn_SGD = SKClassifier(
    schema=elec_stream.get_schema(), sklearner=linear_model.SGDClassifier()

results_sklearn_SGD = prequential_evaluation(
    stream=elec_stream, learner=sklearn_SGD, window_size=4500


4. Further abstractions#

  • We can wrap popular algorithms to make then even easier to use

  • So far, one can use the following wrappers:

    • PassiveAggressiveClassifier

    • SGDClassifier

    • PassiveAggressiveRegressor

    • SGDRegressor

  • In the following example we show how one can use SGDClassifier and PassiveAggressiveClassifier

from capymoa.classifier import SGDClassifier, PassiveAggressiveClassifier
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation_multiple_learners
from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.datasets import Electricity

stream = Electricity()

sklearn_SGD = SGDClassifier(schema=stream.get_schema())
sklearn_PA = PassiveAggressiveClassifier(schema=stream.get_schema())

results = prequential_evaluation_multiple_learners(
    stream=stream, learners={"SGD": sklearn_SGD, "PA": sklearn_PA}, window_size=500

plot_windowed_results(results["SGD"], results["PA"], metric="accuracy")
CPU times: user 46.1 s, sys: 670 ms, total: 46.8 s
Wall time: 46 s