Anomaly Detection#

This notebook shows some basic usage of CapyMOA for Anomaly Detection tasks.

Algorithms: HalfSpaceTrees, Autoencoder and Online Isolation Forest

More information about CapyMOA can be found in

last update on 29/07/2024

1. Creating simple anomalous data with sklearn#

  • Generating a few examples and some simple anomalous data using sklearn

import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import NumpyStream

# generate normal data points
n_samples = 10000
n_features = 2
n_clusters = 3
X, y = make_blobs(
    n_samples=n_samples, n_features=n_features, centers=n_clusters, random_state=42

# generate anomalous data points
n_anomalies = 100  # the anomaly rate is 1%
anomalies = np.random.uniform(low=-10, high=10, size=(n_anomalies, n_features))

# combine the normal data points with anomalies
X = np.vstack([X, anomalies])
y = np.hstack([y, [1] * n_anomalies])  # Label anomalies with 1
y[:n_samples] = 0  # Label normal points with 0

# shuffle the data
idx = np.random.permutation(n_samples + n_anomalies)
X = X[idx]
y = y[idx]

plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, cmap="viridis")

# create a NumpyStream from the combined dataset
feature_names = [f"feature_{i}" for i in range(n_features)]
target_name = "class"

2. Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for data streams#

  • Recent research has been focused on unsupervised anomaly detection for data streams, as it is often difficult to obtain labeled data for training.

  • Instead of using evaluation functions, we first use a basic test-then-train loop from scratch to evaluate the model’s performance.

  • Please notice that lower scores indicate higher anomaly likelihood.

from capymoa.anomaly import HalfSpaceTrees
from capymoa.evaluation import AnomalyDetectionEvaluator

stream_ad = NumpyStream(
learner = HalfSpaceTrees(stream_ad.get_schema())
evaluator = AnomalyDetectionEvaluator(stream_ad.get_schema())
while stream_ad.has_more_instances():
    instance = stream_ad.next_instance()
    score = learner.score_instance(instance)
    evaluator.update(instance.y_index, score)

auc = evaluator.auc()
print(f"AUC: {auc:.2f}")
AUC: 0.95

3. High-level evaluation functions#

  • CapyMOA provides prequential_evaluation_anomaly as a high level function to assess Anomaly Detectors

3.1 prequential_evaluation_anomaly#

In this example, we use the prequential_evaluation_anomaly function with plot_windowed_results to plot AUC for HalfSpaceTrees on the synthetic data stream

from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.anomaly import HalfSpaceTrees
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation_anomaly

stream_ad = NumpyStream(
hst = HalfSpaceTrees(schema=stream_ad.get_schema())

results_hst = prequential_evaluation_anomaly(
    stream=stream_ad, learner=hst, window_size=1000

print(f"AUC: {results_hst.auc()}")
plot_windowed_results(results_hst, metric="auc", save_only=False)
AUC: 0.9500215
instances auc s_auc Accuracy Kappa Periodical holdout AUC Pos/Neg ratio G-Mean Recall KappaM
0 1000.0 0.979778 0.245731 0.063 0.001219 0.000000 0.011122 0.2293 1.0 -84.181818
1 2000.0 0.950367 0.179700 0.007 0.000000 0.979778 0.007049 0.0000 1.0 -109.333333
2 3000.0 0.960474 0.197694 0.011 0.000000 0.950367 0.011122 0.0000 1.0 -101.310345
3 4000.0 0.962883 0.173625 0.007 0.000000 0.960474 0.007049 0.0000 1.0 -109.333333
4 5000.0 0.964773 0.202764 0.013 0.000000 0.962883 0.013171 0.0000 1.0 -99.714286
5 6000.0 0.953784 0.214720 0.013 0.000000 0.964773 0.013171 0.0000 1.0 -94.516129
6 7000.0 0.955713 0.198651 0.009 0.000000 0.953784 0.009082 0.0000 1.0 -96.704225
7 8000.0 0.942093 0.183817 0.013 0.000000 0.955713 0.013171 0.0000 1.0 -93.000000
8 9000.0 0.936996 0.215112 0.008 0.000000 0.942093 0.008065 0.0000 1.0 -96.043478
9 10000.0 0.923891 0.205992 0.008 0.000000 0.936996 0.008065 0.0000 1.0 -98.200000
10 10100.0 0.931074 0.202577 0.008 0.000000 0.923891 0.008065 0.0000 1.0 -99.192000

3.2 Autoencoder#

from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.anomaly import Autoencoder
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation_anomaly

stream_ad = NumpyStream(
ae = Autoencoder(schema=stream_ad.get_schema(), hidden_layer=1)

results_ae = prequential_evaluation_anomaly(
    stream=stream_ad, learner=ae, window_size=1000

print(f"AUC: {results_ae.auc()}")
plot_windowed_results(results_ae, metric="auc", save_only=False)
AUC: 0.4573365
instances auc s_auc Accuracy Kappa Periodical holdout AUC Pos/Neg ratio G-Mean Recall KappaM
0 1000.0 0.319423 -0.076939 0.011 0.000000 0.000000 0.011122 0.000000 1.000000 -88.909091
1 2000.0 0.529852 -0.158113 0.007 0.000000 0.319423 0.007049 0.000000 1.000000 -109.333333
2 3000.0 0.425774 -0.099455 0.012 0.000022 0.529852 0.011122 0.031798 1.000000 -101.206897
3 4000.0 0.614084 -0.195348 0.008 0.000014 0.425774 0.007049 0.031734 1.000000 -109.222222
4 5000.0 0.524667 -0.174389 0.013 -0.001978 0.614084 0.013171 0.030582 0.923077 -99.714286
5 6000.0 0.407295 -0.128903 0.014 0.000026 0.524667 0.013171 0.031830 1.000000 -94.419355
6 7000.0 0.413051 -0.091194 0.010 0.000018 0.407295 0.009082 0.031766 1.000000 -96.605634
7 8000.0 0.490842 -0.174255 0.012 -0.002002 0.413051 0.013171 0.000000 0.923077 -93.095238
8 9000.0 0.506111 -0.181460 0.008 0.000000 0.490842 0.008065 0.000000 1.000000 -96.043478
9 10000.0 0.405494 -0.103295 0.008 0.000000 0.506111 0.008065 0.000000 1.000000 -98.200000
10 10100.0 0.410345 -0.101330 0.008 0.000000 0.405494 0.008065 0.000000 1.000000 -99.192000

3.3 Online Isolation Forest#

from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.anomaly import OnlineIsolationForest
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation_anomaly

stream_ad = NumpyStream(
oif = OnlineIsolationForest(schema=stream_ad.get_schema(), num_trees=10)

results_oif = prequential_evaluation_anomaly(
    stream=stream_ad, learner=oif, window_size=1000

print(f"AUC: {results_oif.auc()}")
plot_windowed_results(results_oif, metric="auc", save_only=False)
AUC: 0.2633305
instances auc s_auc Accuracy Kappa Periodical holdout AUC Pos/Neg ratio G-Mean Recall KappaM
0 1000.0 0.616693 0.051133 0.052 0.000951 0.000000 0.011122 0.203608 1.000000 -85.181818
1 2000.0 0.280967 0.009284 0.027 -0.001742 0.616693 0.007049 0.134636 0.857143 -107.111111
2 3000.0 0.218265 0.011851 0.034 -0.003538 0.280967 0.011122 0.143813 0.818182 -98.931034
3 4000.0 0.137750 0.005062 0.028 -0.005818 0.218265 0.007049 0.117520 0.571429 -107.000000
4 5000.0 0.203647 0.007391 0.041 -0.007421 0.137750 0.013171 0.149819 0.692308 -96.857143
5 6000.0 0.208986 0.007555 0.028 -0.005643 0.203647 0.013171 0.118442 0.769231 -93.064516
6 7000.0 0.300538 0.010856 0.029 -0.003688 0.208986 0.009082 0.131402 0.777778 -94.732394
7 8000.0 0.151196 0.007418 0.044 -0.007361 0.300538 0.013171 0.156684 0.692308 -90.047619
8 9000.0 0.294166 0.014279 0.037 0.000482 0.151196 0.008065 0.170979 1.000000 -93.206522
9 10000.0 0.512664 0.016512 0.026 -0.001728 0.294166 0.008065 0.129457 0.875000 -96.400000
10 10100.0 0.510522 0.017020 0.029 -0.001684 0.512664 0.008065 0.139303 0.875000 -97.071000

4 Comparing algorithms#

    results_hst, results_ae, results_oif, metric="auc", save_only=False