Anomaly Detection#

This notebook shows some basic usage of CapyMOA for Anomaly Detection tasks.

Algorithms: HalfSpaceTrees, Autoencoder and Online Isolation Forest

More information about CapyMOA can be found in

last update on 29/07/2024

1. Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for data streams#

  • Recent research has been focused on unsupervised anomaly detection for data streams, as it is often difficult to obtain labeled data for training.

  • Instead of using evaluation functions, we first use a basic test-then-train loop from scratch to evaluate the model’s performance.

  • Please notice that lower scores indicate higher anomaly likelihood.

from capymoa.datasets import ElectricityTiny
from capymoa.anomaly import HalfSpaceTrees
from capymoa.evaluation import AnomalyDetectionEvaluator
stream = ElectricityTiny()
schema = stream.get_schema()
learner = HalfSpaceTrees(schema)
evaluator = AnomalyDetectionEvaluator(schema)
while stream.has_more_instances():
    instance = stream.next_instance()
    score = learner.score_instance(instance)
    evaluator.update(instance.y_index, score)

auc = evaluator.auc()
print(f"AUC: {auc:.2f}")
AUC: 0.54

2. High-level evaluation functions#

  • CapyMOA provides prequential_evaluation_anomaly as a high level function to assess Anomaly Detectors

2.1 prequential_evaluation_anomaly#

In this example, we use the prequential_evaluation_anomaly function with plot_windowed_results to plot AUC for HalfSpaceTrees on Electricity

from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.datasets import Electricity
from capymoa.anomaly import HalfSpaceTrees
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation_anomaly

stream = Electricity()
hst = HalfSpaceTrees(schema=stream.get_schema())

results_hst = prequential_evaluation_anomaly(stream=stream, learner=hst, window_size=4500)

print(f"AUC: {results_hst.auc()}")
plot_windowed_results(results_hst, metric="auc")
AUC: 0.42903916235645884
instances auc s_auc Accuracy Kappa Periodical holdout AUC Pos/Neg ratio G-Mean Recall KappaM
0 4500.0 0.424887 0.101194 0.499333 -0.057376 0.000000 1.542373 0.453178 0.601832 -0.275764
1 9000.0 0.487969 0.121366 0.506222 -0.006369 0.424887 1.176015 0.483169 0.612664 -0.159103
2 13500.0 0.468598 0.124515 0.497333 -0.015334 0.487969 1.085264 0.477359 0.613151 -0.133267
3 18000.0 0.411306 0.105785 0.483556 -0.072973 0.468598 1.384738 0.447720 0.585534 -0.180444
4 22500.0 0.398220 0.092782 0.486000 -0.099953 0.411306 1.552467 0.421006 0.612715 -0.199938
5 27000.0 0.356802 0.081525 0.474444 -0.119603 0.398220 1.406417 0.398894 0.633080 -0.233055
6 31500.0 0.430827 0.104884 0.541556 0.007289 0.356802 1.567028 0.473213 0.675646 -0.088983
7 36000.0 0.402884 0.095072 0.518000 -0.029875 0.430827 1.501390 0.457435 0.647908 -0.152191
8 40500.0 0.442440 0.100413 0.529333 0.008480 0.402884 1.306509 0.466961 0.693998 -0.120569
9 45000.0 0.428407 0.100096 0.479778 -0.069896 0.442440 1.190847 0.437049 0.626738 -0.217052
10 45312.0 0.415528 0.093746 0.467333 -0.098952 0.428407 1.212389 0.420767 0.615572 -0.244198

2.2 Autoencoder#

from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.datasets import Electricity
from capymoa.anomaly import Autoencoder
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation_anomaly

stream = Electricity()
ae = Autoencoder(schema=stream.get_schema())

results_ae = prequential_evaluation_anomaly(stream=stream, learner=ae, window_size=4500)

print(f"AUC: {results_ae.auc()}")
plot_windowed_results(results_ae, metric="auc")
AUC: 0.5230563943495156
instances auc s_auc Accuracy Kappa Periodical holdout AUC Pos/Neg ratio G-Mean Recall KappaM
0 4500.0 0.544910 0.222925 0.504889 0.044039 0.000000 1.542373 0.516265 0.434799 -0.261608
1 9000.0 0.513216 0.198620 0.489778 -0.011067 0.544910 1.176015 0.491096 0.437500 -0.197705
2 13500.0 0.504520 0.206141 0.503111 0.012575 0.513216 1.085264 0.500149 0.427412 -0.120240
3 18000.0 0.516622 0.219586 0.516222 0.054810 0.504520 1.384738 0.523022 0.450823 -0.105778
4 22500.0 0.556117 0.240853 0.516667 0.058864 0.516622 1.552467 0.527151 0.462185 -0.128346
5 27000.0 0.598999 0.274222 0.553778 0.132179 0.556117 1.406417 0.561848 0.474144 -0.046924
6 31500.0 0.484991 0.201277 0.483556 -0.007277 0.598999 1.567028 0.492828 0.439388 -0.226755
7 36000.0 0.480584 0.208603 0.488667 0.007570 0.484991 1.501390 0.498176 0.427249 -0.222311
8 40500.0 0.467688 0.197652 0.490000 0.000195 0.480584 1.306509 0.494291 0.424088 -0.214214
9 45000.0 0.554163 0.239936 0.516889 0.043774 0.467688 1.190847 0.518599 0.460343 -0.130231
10 45312.0 0.565640 0.247658 0.525333 0.060527 0.554163 1.212389 0.527728 0.473236 -0.108722

2.3 Online Isolation Forest#

from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.datasets import Electricity
from capymoa.anomaly import OnlineIsolationForest
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation_anomaly

stream = Electricity()
oif = OnlineIsolationForest(schema=stream.get_schema(), num_trees=10)

results_oif = prequential_evaluation_anomaly(stream=stream, learner=oif, window_size=4500)

print(f"AUC: {results_oif.auc()}")
plot_windowed_results(results_oif, metric="auc")
AUC: 0.520108250564401
instances auc s_auc Accuracy Kappa Periodical holdout AUC Pos/Neg ratio G-Mean Recall KappaM
0 4500.0 0.516486 0.019243 0.606000 0.002273 0.000000 1.542373 0.091753 0.993407 -0.003964
1 9000.0 0.473500 -0.007678 0.540444 0.000000 0.516486 1.176015 0.000000 1.000000 -0.078769
2 13500.0 0.485192 -0.008112 0.520444 0.000000 0.473500 1.085264 0.000000 1.000000 -0.081162
3 18000.0 0.508877 0.015705 0.566667 -0.014223 0.485192 1.384738 0.198973 0.945656 0.009524
4 22500.0 0.465127 0.022282 0.609778 0.011374 0.508877 1.552467 0.138185 0.990135 0.089023
5 27000.0 0.514274 0.034964 0.597778 0.037475 0.465127 1.406417 0.180577 0.999620 0.056309
6 31500.0 0.634469 0.046907 0.618222 0.024269 0.514274 1.567028 0.141300 1.000000 0.093130
7 36000.0 0.613453 0.050725 0.614889 0.049397 0.634469 1.501390 0.226227 0.990004 0.079416
8 40500.0 0.555540 0.031629 0.568000 0.005282 0.613453 1.306509 0.090399 0.996469 -0.028511
9 45000.0 0.622690 0.033355 0.543556 0.000170 0.555540 1.190847 0.031192 0.999182 -0.067845
10 45312.0 0.644950 0.035099 0.548000 0.000189 0.622690 1.212389 0.031345 0.999189 -0.055777

2.3.1 Comparing algorithms#

plot_windowed_results(results_hst, results_ae, results_oif, metric="auc")
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