Clustering tutorial#

This tutorial demonstrates the experimental clustering API for capymoa. Clustering data streams refers to grouping data points into clusters as the data continuously flows in, which normally includes two phases:

  1. Online Step

    1. Micro-Cluster Formation: Incoming data points are incrementally processed and assigned to micro-clusters. Micro-clusters are small, temporary clusters that capture local density information and are typically represented by statistical summaries like centroid, weight, and radius.

    2. Micro-Cluster Maintenance: The micro-clusters are periodically updated as new data arrives. This includes adjusting the micro-cluster centroids and merging or splitting clusters based on defined thresholds.

  2. Offline Step: Periodically or upon request, micro-clusters are aggregated into macro-clusters (or simply clusters) to provide a higher-level view of the data.

This is an experimental API might change significantly in the near future.

More information about CapyMOA can be found in

last update on 31/07/2024

1. Creating and using a clusterer#

  • Example using CluStream and kMeans for the offline step

  • There is not evaluation included in the example below, just updating and plotting the cluster

  • The data is generated using RandomRBFGeneratorDrift

  • We use a visualization function to print the clustering state

from capymoa.base import MOAClusterer
from import RandomRBFGeneratorDrift
from moa.clusterers.clustream import Clustream, WithKmeans
from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_clustering_state

stream = RandomRBFGeneratorDrift(number_of_attributes=2, number_of_centroids=10, number_of_drifting_centroids=1, magnitude_of_change=0.001)
clustream = MOAClusterer(schema=stream.get_schema(), moa_learner=Clustream, CLI="-k 10")

instancesSeen = 0
updateInterval = 100
while stream.has_more_instances() and instancesSeen < 300:
    instance = stream.next_instance()
    instancesSeen += 1
    if instancesSeen % updateInterval == 0:
        print(f"Processed {instancesSeen} instances.")
        # by default, plot_clustering_state only shows the image and does not save it
Processed 100 instances.
Processed 200 instances.
Processed 300 instances.
# display(clustream.get_clusters_centers())
# display(clustream.get_clusters_radii())
# display(clustream.get_clusters_weights())
[[0.7027297664446033, 0.48436259505735557],
 [0.6974195023636138, 0.047132011643317165],
 [1.3843306797089867, -1.1195974718089243],
 [0.9332892269417015, 0.18965577888570828],
 [2.594958431363642, 0.542854884614332],
 [-0.2954762950409765, -1.7866300787093923],
 [0.08002810100754684, -0.2581958903238688],
 [2.0626324089260955, -0.3333113490459889],
 [-1.621637947418178, 0.4123311823612874],
 [1.288276092609038, 1.6268924464685357]]
[243.0, 1.0, 7.0, 25.0, 3.0, 2.0, 16.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

2. Using the Clustering Evaluator#

from capymoa.evaluation import ClusteringEvaluator
stream = RandomRBFGeneratorDrift(number_of_attributes=2, number_of_centroids=10, number_of_drifting_centroids=1, magnitude_of_change=0.001)
clustream = MOAClusterer(schema=stream.get_schema(), moa_learner=Clustream, CLI="-k 10")
evaluator = ClusteringEvaluator(update_interval=50)

2.1 Plot the clustering state on demand#

while stream.has_more_instances() and evaluator.get_instances_seen() < 1000:
    instance = stream.next_instance()
    instancesSeen = evaluator.get_instances_seen()
    # purposefully arbitrary number
    if instancesSeen == 157:
        # can also skip show and only save
        print(f"Processed {instancesSeen} instances. Saving the figure without showing it.")
        plot_clustering_state(clustream, show_fig=False, save_fig=True, figure_name='save_fig_dont_show')

Processed 157 instances. Saving the figure without showing it.

2.2 Plot the clustering evolution (gif)#

  • Passing clean_up=False to the plot_clustering_evolution function will keep the intermediate figures used to create the gif.

from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_clustering_evolution
plot_clustering_evolution(evaluator, clean_up=True)