Semi-supervised Learning#

  • Preparing and executing partially and delayed labeling experiments

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notebook last updated on 25/07/2024

from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_ssl_evaluation
from capymoa.datasets import Electricity

1. Learning using a SSL classifier#

  • This example uses the OSNN algorithm to learn from a stream with only 1% labeled data

  • We utilize the prequential_ssl_evaluation() function to simulate the absence of labels (label_probability) and delays (delay_length)

  • The results yield by prequential_ssl_evaluation() include more information in comparison to prequential_evaluation(), such as the number of unlabeled instances (unlabeled) and the unlabeled ratio (unlabeled_ratio).

Help on function prequential_ssl_evaluation in module capymoa.evaluation.evaluation:

prequential_ssl_evaluation(stream:, learner: Union[capymoa.base.ClassifierSSL, capymoa.base.Classifier], max_instances: Optional[int] = None, window_size: int = 1000, initial_window_size: int = 0, delay_length: int = 0, label_probability: float = 0.01, random_seed: int = 1, store_predictions: bool = False, store_y: bool = False, optimise: bool = True, restart_stream: bool = True)
    Run and evaluate a learner on a semi-supervised stream using prequential evaluation.

    :param stream: A data stream to evaluate the learner on. Will be restarted if
        ``restart_stream`` is True.
    :param learner: The learner to evaluate. If the learner is an SSL learner,
        it will be trained on both labeled and unlabeled instances. If the
        learner is not an SSL learner, then it will be trained only on the
        labeled instances.
    :param max_instances: The number of instances to evaluate before exiting.
        If None, the evaluation will continue until the stream is empty.
    :param window_size: The size of the window used for windowed evaluation,
        defaults to 1000
    :param initial_window_size: Not implemented yet
    :param delay_length: If greater than zero the labeled (``label_probability``%)
        instances will appear as unlabeled before reappearing as labeled after
        ``delay_length`` instances, defaults to 0
    :param label_probability: The proportion of instances that will be labeled,
        must be in the range [0, 1], defaults to 0.01
    :param random_seed: A random seed to define the random state that decides
        which instances are labeled and which are not, defaults to 1.
    :param store_predictions: Store the learner's prediction in a list, defaults
        to False
    :param store_y: Store the ground truth targets in a list, defaults to False
    :param optimise: If True and the learner is compatible, the evaluator will
        use a Java native evaluation loop, defaults to True.
    :param restart_stream: If False, evaluation will continue from the current
        position in the stream, defaults to True. Not restarting the stream is
        useful for switching between learners or evaluators, without starting
        from the beginning of the stream.
    :return: An object containing the results of the evaluation windowed metrics,
        cumulative metrics, ground truth targets, and predictions.

from capymoa.ssl.classifier import OSNN

stream = Electricity()

osnn = OSNN(schema=stream.get_schema(), optim_steps=10)

results_osnn = prequential_ssl_evaluation(

# The results are stored in a dictionary.

)  # Test-then-train accuracy, i.e. cumulatively, not windowed.
)  # A dataframe containing the windowed results.

# Plotting over time (default: classifications correct (percent) i.e. accuracy)
results_osnn.learner = "OSNN"
plot_windowed_results(results_osnn, metric="accuracy")
<capymoa.evaluation.results.PrequentialResults at 0x7276555eb550>
instances accuracy kappa kappa_t kappa_m f1_score f1_score_0 f1_score_1 precision precision_0 precision_1 recall recall_0 recall_1
0 100.0 34.0 0.000000 -340.000000 -112.903226 NaN 50.746269 NaN NaN 34.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
1 200.0 65.0 0.000000 -150.000000 41.666667 NaN 78.787879 NaN NaN 65.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
2 300.0 69.0 11.225659 -158.333333 16.216216 55.638707 31.111111 80.000000 55.372807 29.166667 81.578947 55.907173 33.333333 78.481013
3 400.0 66.0 17.794971 -209.090909 49.253731 61.319302 77.027027 34.615385 65.282392 66.279070 64.285714 57.809847 91.935484 23.684211
4 500.0 47.0 0.000000 -341.666667 -1.923077 NaN 63.945578 NaN NaN 47.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
5 600.0 38.0 0.000000 -342.857143 -77.142857 NaN 55.072464 NaN NaN 38.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
6 700.0 46.0 -13.493064 -200.000000 -8.000000 43.253468 55.737705 30.769231 43.253468 55.737705 30.769231 43.253468 55.737705 30.769231
7 800.0 34.0 -27.363952 -288.235294 -53.488372 35.160284 29.787234 37.735849 34.791935 37.837838 31.746032 35.536516 24.561404 46.511628
8 900.0 43.0 -5.166052 -200.000000 -5.555556 43.575709 9.523810 58.394161 40.489130 37.500000 43.478261 47.171717 5.454545 88.888889
9 1000.0 74.0 49.768161 -225.000000 48.000000 78.820463 68.292683 77.966102 81.944444 100.000000 63.888889 75.925926 51.851852 100.000000

1.1 Using a supervised model#

  • If a supervised model is used with prequential_ssl_evaluation() it will only be trained on the labeled data

from capymoa.classifier import StreamingRandomPatches

srp10 = StreamingRandomPatches(schema=stream.get_schema(), ensemble_size=10)

results_srp10 = prequential_ssl_evaluation(

instances accuracy kappa kappa_t kappa_m f1_score f1_score_0 f1_score_1 precision precision_0 precision_1 recall recall_0 recall_1
0 100.0 34.0 0.000000 -340.000000 -112.903226 NaN 50.746269 NaN NaN 34.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
1 200.0 65.0 0.000000 -150.000000 41.666667 NaN 78.787879 NaN NaN 65.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
2 300.0 21.0 0.000000 -558.333333 -113.513514 NaN 34.710744 NaN NaN 21.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
3 400.0 62.0 0.000000 -245.454545 43.283582 NaN 76.543210 NaN NaN 62.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
4 500.0 50.0 5.338887 -316.666667 3.846154 61.726883 65.277778 10.714286 74.226804 48.453608 100.000000 52.830189 100.000000 5.660377
5 600.0 38.0 -7.489598 -342.857143 -77.142857 44.007051 48.333333 22.500000 42.682927 35.365854 50.000000 45.415959 76.315789 14.516129
6 700.0 26.0 -39.992433 -311.111111 -48.000000 27.554157 24.489796 27.450980 27.327327 32.432432 22.222222 27.784784 19.672131 35.897436
7 800.0 62.0 13.043478 -123.529412 11.627907 65.753425 75.000000 20.833333 80.000000 60.000000 100.000000 55.813953 100.000000 11.627907
8 900.0 59.0 10.480349 -115.789474 24.074074 60.034800 72.108844 22.641509 66.304348 57.608696 75.000000 54.848485 96.363636 13.333333
9 1000.0 55.0 2.343750 -462.500000 10.000000 61.508853 70.588235 4.255319 77.272727 54.545455 100.000000 51.086957 100.000000 2.173913

1.2 Comparing a SSL and supervised classifiers#

# Plotting all the results together
# Adding an experiment_id to the results dictionary allows controlling the legend of each learner.
results_osnn.learner = "OSNN"
results_srp10.learner = "SRP10"

plot_windowed_results(results_osnn, results_srp10, metric="accuracy")

2. Delay example#

  • Comparing the effect of delay on a stream

  • It is particularly interesting to see the effect after a drift takes place.

from import SEA
from import *
from capymoa.classifier import HoeffdingTree

## Creating a stream with drift
sea2drifts = DriftStream(

ht_immediate = HoeffdingTree(schema=sea2drifts.get_schema())
ht_delayed = HoeffdingTree(schema=sea2drifts.get_schema())

results_ht_immediate = prequential_ssl_evaluation(

results_ht_delayed_1000 = prequential_ssl_evaluation(
    delay_length=1000,  # adding the delay

results_ht_immediate.learner = "HT_immediate"
results_ht_delayed_1000.learner = "HT_delayed_1000"

print(f"Accuracy immediate: {results_ht_immediate['cumulative'].accuracy()}")
    f"Accuracy delayed by 1000 instances: {results_ht_delayed_1000['cumulative'].accuracy()}"

plot_windowed_results(results_ht_immediate, results_ht_delayed_1000, metric="accuracy")
Accuracy immediate: 84.517
Accuracy delayed by 1000 instances: 83.366
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