Semi-supervised Learning#

  • Preparing and executing partially and delayed labeling experiments

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notebook last updated on 25/07/2024

from import stream_from_file
from capymoa.evaluation.visualization import plot_windowed_results
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_ssl_evaluation
from capymoa.datasets import Electricity

1. Learning using a SSL classifier#

  • This example uses the OSNN algorithm to learn from a stream with only 1% labeled data

  • We utilize the prequential_ssl_evaluation() function to simulate the absence of labels (label_probability) and delays (delay_length)

  • The results yield by prequential_ssl_evaluation() include more information in comparison to prequential_evaluation(), such as the number of unlabeled instances (unlabeled) and the unlabeled ratio (unlabeled_ratio).

Help on function prequential_ssl_evaluation in module capymoa.evaluation.evaluation:

prequential_ssl_evaluation(stream, learner, max_instances=None, window_size=1000, initial_window_size=0, delay_length=0, label_probability=0.01, random_seed=1, store_predictions=False, store_y=False, optimise=True)
    If the learner is not an SSL learner, then it will be trained only on the labeled instances.

from capymoa.ssl.classifier import OSNN

stream = Electricity()

osnn = OSNN(schema=stream.get_schema())

results_osnn = prequential_ssl_evaluation(stream=stream, learner=osnn, label_probability=0.01, window_size=100, max_instances=1000)

# The results are stored in a dictionary.

print(results_osnn['cumulative'].accuracy()) # Test-then-train accuracy, i.e. cumulatively, not windowed.
display(results_osnn['windowed'].metrics_per_window()) # A dataframe containing the windowed results.

# Plotting over time (default: classifications correct (percent) i.e. accuracy)
results_osnn.learner = "OSNN"
plot_windowed_results(results_osnn, metric='accuracy')
<capymoa.evaluation.results.PrequentialResults at 0x103b37460>
instances accuracy kappa kappa_t kappa_m f1_score f1_score_0 f1_score_1 precision precision_0 precision_1 recall recall_0 recall_1
0 100.0 34.0 0.000000 -340.000000 -112.903226 NaN 50.746269 NaN NaN 34.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
1 200.0 65.0 0.000000 -150.000000 41.666667 NaN 78.787879 NaN NaN 65.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
2 300.0 62.0 -23.136747 -216.666667 -2.702703 38.271605 NaN 76.543210 37.349398 0.000000 74.698795 39.240506 0.000000 78.481013
3 400.0 63.0 3.242678 -236.363636 44.776119 62.922136 77.018634 5.128205 81.313131 62.626263 100.000000 51.315789 100.000000 2.631579
4 500.0 45.0 -4.009077 -358.333333 -5.769231 31.034483 62.068966 NaN 22.959184 45.918367 0.000000 47.872340 95.744681 0.000000
5 600.0 47.0 6.952247 -278.571429 -51.428571 55.070599 54.700855 36.144578 55.967450 40.506329 71.428571 54.202037 84.210526 24.193548
6 700.0 57.0 2.890696 -138.888889 14.000000 51.548932 68.613139 31.746032 51.754386 61.842105 41.666667 51.345103 77.049180 25.641026
7 800.0 78.0 54.337900 -29.411765 48.837209 77.384628 81.666667 72.500000 78.078078 77.777778 78.378378 76.703386 85.964912 67.441860
8 900.0 58.0 17.808219 -121.052632 22.222222 59.376801 55.319149 60.377358 59.562842 66.666667 52.459016 59.191919 47.272727 71.111111
9 1000.0 84.0 67.793881 -100.000000 68.000000 83.896940 85.185185 82.608696 83.896940 85.185185 82.608696 83.896940 85.185185 82.608696

1.1 Using a supervised model#

  • If a supervised model is used with prequential_ssl_evaluation() it will only be trained on the labeled data

from capymoa.classifier import StreamingRandomPatches

srp10 = StreamingRandomPatches(schema=stream.get_schema(), ensemble_size=10)

results_srp10 = prequential_ssl_evaluation(stream=stream, learner=srp10, label_probability=0.01, window_size=100, max_instances=1000)

instances accuracy kappa kappa_t kappa_m f1_score f1_score_0 f1_score_1 precision precision_0 precision_1 recall recall_0 recall_1
0 100.0 34.0 0.000000 -340.000000 -112.903226 NaN 50.746269 NaN NaN 34.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
1 200.0 65.0 0.000000 -150.000000 41.666667 NaN 78.787879 NaN NaN 65.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
2 300.0 21.0 0.000000 -558.333333 -113.513514 NaN 34.710744 NaN NaN 21.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
3 400.0 62.0 0.000000 -245.454545 43.283582 NaN 76.543210 NaN NaN 62.000000 NaN 50.000000 100.000000 0.000000
4 500.0 50.0 5.338887 -316.666667 3.846154 61.726883 65.277778 10.714286 74.226804 48.453608 100.000000 52.830189 100.000000 5.660377
5 600.0 38.0 -7.489598 -342.857143 -77.142857 44.007051 48.333333 22.500000 42.682927 35.365854 50.000000 45.415959 76.315789 14.516129
6 700.0 26.0 -39.992433 -311.111111 -48.000000 27.554157 24.489796 27.450980 27.327327 32.432432 22.222222 27.784784 19.672131 35.897436
7 800.0 62.0 13.043478 -123.529412 11.627907 65.753425 75.000000 20.833333 80.000000 60.000000 100.000000 55.813953 100.000000 11.627907
8 900.0 59.0 10.480349 -115.789474 24.074074 60.034800 72.108844 22.641509 66.304348 57.608696 75.000000 54.848485 96.363636 13.333333
9 1000.0 55.0 2.343750 -462.500000 10.000000 61.508853 70.588235 4.255319 77.272727 54.545455 100.000000 51.086957 100.000000 2.173913

1.2 Comparing a SSL and supervised classifiers#

# Plotting all the results together
# Adding an experiment_id to the results dictionary allows controlling the legend of each learner.
results_osnn.learner = 'OSNN'
results_srp10.learner = 'SRP10'

plot_windowed_results(results_osnn, results_srp10, metric='accuracy')

2. Delay example#

  • Comparing the effect of delay on a stream

  • It is particularly interesting to see the effect after a drift takes place.

from import SEA
from import *
from capymoa.classifier import HoeffdingTree
from capymoa.evaluation import prequential_evaluation

## Creating a stream with drift
sea2drifts = DriftStream(stream=[SEA(function=1),

ht_immediate = HoeffdingTree(schema=sea2drifts.get_schema())
ht_delayed = HoeffdingTree(schema=sea2drifts.get_schema())

results_ht_immediate = prequential_ssl_evaluation(stream=sea2drifts,

results_ht_delayed_1000 = prequential_ssl_evaluation(stream=sea2drifts,
                                                       delay_length=1000, # adding the delay

results_ht_immediate.learner = 'HT_immediate'
results_ht_delayed_1000.learner = 'HT_delayed_1000'

print(f"Accuracy immediate: {results_ht_immediate['cumulative'].accuracy()}")
print(f"Accuracy delayed by 1000 instances: {results_ht_delayed_1000['cumulative'].accuracy()}")

plot_windowed_results(results_ht_immediate, results_ht_delayed_1000, metric='accuracy')
Accuracy immediate: 86.031
Accuracy delayed by 1000 instances: 82.865
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