- class capymoa.datasets.Hyper100k[source]#
Hyper100k is a classification problem based on the moving hyperplane generator.
Number of instances: 100,000
Number of attributes: 10
Number of classes: 2
Hulten, Geoff, Laurie Spencer, and Pedro Domingos. “Mining time-changing data streams.” Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGKDD international conference son Knowledge discovery and data mining. 2001.
- __init__(
- directory: str = PosixPath('data'),
- auto_download: bool = True,
- CLI: str | None = None,
- schema: str | None = None,
- download(working_directory: Path) Path [source]#
Download the dataset and return the path to the downloaded dataset within the working directory.
- Parameters:
working_directory – The directory to download the dataset to.
- Returns:
The path to the downloaded dataset within the working directory.
- extract(stream_archive: Path) Path [source]#
Extract the dataset from the archive and return the path to the extracted dataset.
- Parameters:
stream_archive – The path to the archive containing the dataset.
- Returns:
The path to the extracted dataset.
- next_instance() LabeledInstance | RegressionInstance [source]#
Return the next instance in the stream.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the machine learning task is neither a regression nor a classification task.
- Returns:
A labeled instances or a regression depending on the schema.