
class capymoa.instance.Instance[source]#

Bases: object

An instance is a single data point in a stream. It contains a feature vector and a schema that describes the datastream it belongs to.

In supervised learning, your more likely to encounter LabeledInstance or RegressionInstance which are subclasses of Instance with a class label or target value respectively.

schema: Schema,
instance: InstanceExample | ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]],
) None[source]#

Creates a new instance.

Its recommended that you prefer using from_array() or from_java_instance() to create instances, as they provide a more user-friendly interface.

  • schema – A schema that describes the datastream the instance belongs to.

  • instance – A vector of features (float values) or a Java instance.


ValueError – If the given instance type is of an unsupported type.

classmethod from_java_instance(
schema: Schema,
java_instance: InstanceExample,
) Instance[source]#
classmethod from_array(
schema: Schema,
instance: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]],
) Instance[source]#

A class constructor to create an instance from a schema and a vector of features.

This is useful in the rare cases you need to create custom unlabeled instances from scratch. In most cases, your datastream will automatically create instances for you.

>>> from import Schema
>>> from capymoa.instance import Instance
>>> import numpy as np
>>> schema = Schema.from_custom(
...     ["f1", "f2"],
...     dataset_name="CustomDataset",
...     values_for_class_label=["yes", "no"]
... )
>>> x = np.array([0.1, 0.2])
>>> instance = Instance.from_array(schema, x)
>>> instance
    x=ndarray(..., 2)
  • schema – A schema that describes the datastream the instance belongs to.

  • instance – A vector (numpy.ndarray) of features (float values


A new Instance object

property schema: Schema#

Returns the schema of the instance and the stream it belongs to.

property x: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]#

Returns a feature vector containing float values for the instance.

property java_instance: InstanceExample#

Returns a representation of the instance in Java for use in MOA. This method is for advanced users who want to directly interact with MOA’s Java API.