
CapyMOA supports a few environment variables that can be used to customize its behavior. None of these are required, but they can be useful in certain situations.

  • Use CAPYMOA_DATASETS_DIR to specify a custom directory where datasets will be stored.

    (See capymoa_datasets_dir())

  • Use CAPYMOA_JVM_ARGS to specify custom JVM arguments.

    (See capymoa_jvm_args())

  • Use CAPYMOA_MOA_JAR to specify a custom MOA jar file.

    (See capymoa_moa_jar())

  • Use JAVA_HOME to specify the path to your Java installation.


capymoa.env.capymoa_datasets_dir() Path[source]#

Return the CAPYMOA_DATASETS_DIR environment variable or the default value ./data.

The CAPYMOA_DATASETS_DIR environment variable can be used to specify a custom directory where datasets will be stored. Set it to a custom value in bash like this:

export CAPYMOA_DATASETS_DIR=/path/to/datasets
python my_capy_moa_script.py

We recommend setting this environment variable in your shell configuration file.


The path to the datasets directory.

capymoa.env.capymoa_jvm_args() List[str][source]#

Return the CAPYMOA_JVM_ARGS environment variable or the default value -Xmx8g -Xss10M.

The CAPYMOA_JVM_ARGS environment variable can be used to specify custom JVM arguments. Set it to a custom value in bash like this:

export CAPYMOA_JVM_ARGS="-Xmx16g -Xss10M"
python my_capy_moa_script.py

A list of JVM arguments.

capymoa.env.capymoa_moa_jar() Path[source]#

Return the CAPYMOA_MOA_JAR environment variable or the built-in MOA jar file.

This is an advanced feature that is unnecessary for most users.

The CAPYMOA_MOA_JAR environment variable can be used to specify a custom path to the MOA jar file. Set it to a custom value in bash like this:

export CAPYMOA_MOA_JAR=/path/to/moa.jar
python my_capy_moa_script.py

The path to the MOA jar file.