class capymoa.drift.detectors.RDDM[source]#

Bases: MOADriftDetector

Reactive Drift Detection Method Drift Detector


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from capymoa.drift.detectors import RDDM
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> detector = RDDM()
>>> data_stream = np.random.randint(2, size=2000)
>>> for i in range(999, 2000):
...     data_stream[i] = np.random.randint(4, high=8)
>>> for i in range(2000):
...     detector.add_element(data_stream[i])
...     if detector.detected_change():
...         print('Change detected in data: ' + str(data_stream[i]) + ' - at index: ' + str(i))
Change detected in data: 6 - at index: 1003


Barros, R. S., Cabral, D. R., Gonçalves Jr, P. M., & Santos, S. G. (2017). RDDM: Reactive drift detection method. Expert Systems with Applications, 90, 344-355.

min_n_instances: int = 129,
warning_level: float = 1.773,
drift_level: float = 2.258,
max_size_concept: int = 40000,
min_size_concept: int = 7000,
warning_limit: int = 1400,
CLI: str | None = None,
  • moa_detector – The MOA detector object or class identifier.

  • CLI – The command-line interface (CLI) configuration for the MOA drift detector, defaults to None

add_element(element: float) None[source]#

Update the drift detector with a new input value.


element – A value to update the drift detector with. Usually, this is the prediction error of a model.

detected_change() bool[source]#

Is the detector currently detecting a concept drift?

detected_warning() bool[source]#

Is the detector currently warning of an upcoming concept drift?

get_params() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Get the hyper-parameters of the drift detector.

reset(clean_history: bool = False) None[source]#

Reset the drift detector.


clean_history – Whether to reset detection history, defaults to False